Jakar Dzong

Lam Ngagi Wangchuk laid the foundation of a monastery on a ridge in the lower Chokhor valley in Bumthang and started its constructions.A white bird flew away from this site and settled where the Jakar Dzong stands today. Lama took this as a good omen and he left the old site and moved to the new sites on a hill overlooking the Chamkhar valley. Here he completed a small dzong to be used as a monastery which he called Jakar Dzong (the dzong of the White Bird)

Today, Jakar Dzong has been the seat of the Jakar Dzongdag and it is the headquarters of the Bumthang District. Bumthang – “Sacred Heart of the Kingdom of Bhutan”. The Jakar Dzong (Castle of the White Bird) was built in 1677.

Trongsa Dzong

In 1541, Lam Ngagi Wangchuck, came to Bhutan and moved to Trongsa from Thimphu.He mediated in a place above where the Trongsa Dzong now stands, he saw at night a butter lamp burning on a ridge where the Gonkhang (temple of protective deity) stands today. He took this to be the sacred place as prophesied and began mediating. He had a vision of Palden Lhamo here. In 1543, Lam Ngagi Wangchuk established a small temple and name it Mondrupde. Later, many people from the area become his disples and built small huts for themselves around the temple. The place began to look like a village and people called it Drongsar (new village). Later on, the pronunciation changed to Trongsa.

Zhabdrung Ngwang Namgyel was not able to fulfill his desire to visit this place, which had been built by his ancestor a hundred years before. Instead in 1647 he ordered the building of a Gonkhang which stands on the same spot where Ngagi Wangchuck built his temple in 1543. Zhabrung also appointed Minjur Tenps as the first Peonlop of Tzrongsa. He gradually began to expand the dzong and built the Ta Dzong (watch tower) in 1652. The whole eastern region was brought under the Drukpa rule and was governed from Trongsa Dzong.

Trongsa Dzong had been the seats of the Trongsa Poenlops who have governed the eastern region for over three hundred years. It was Trongsa Poenlop Jigme Namgyel who finally emerged as the most powerful national leader in the country. In 1907, his son Ugyen Wangchuck, was elected as the first hereditary King from his post of Trongsa Peonlop. For this reason, the heir to the throne of Bhutan is installed as Trongsa Poenlop before he is enthroned as King of Bhutan.

Trongsa Dzong is now the headquaterter of the Trongsa Dzongkha and home of the Trongsa Rabdey.

Gangtey Gonpa Lhakhang

Gangtey Gonpa Lhakhang is also known as Gangtey Sanga Choeling Goenba is located on a hilltop at an altitude of 2800m above sea level offering a stunning view of the Phobjikha Valley, home to endangered black-neck cranes. This monastery was founded here in 1613 by Gyalse Pema Thinley, the grandson and reincarnation of the mind of Pema Lingpa, and the goenba was built by Tenzing Legpai Dhendup, the second reincarnation. The current abbot, Kuenzang Pema Namgyel, is the ninth reincarnation.

Gangtey Gonpa Lhakhang or Gangtey Monastery, is an important monastery of Nyingmapa school of Buddhism, the main seat of the Pema Lingpa tradition. The Monastery has been completely restored under the present Gangteng Tulku, H.E. Rigdzin Kunzang Pema Namgyal from 2002–2008.The rebuilt monastery was consecrated by the present incarnation of Pema Lingpa on the October 10, 2008, graced by the fourth King of Bhutan.

Everyone including Bhutanese who visit to Gangtey will make visit to the monastery and most of the foreigners after visiting monastery, we do the Gangtey Natural Hike. The hike is the most easiest hilke in Bhutan but we can see the Phobjikha valley so beautifully. This is valley is the home to black neck crane birds in the winter. In summer they move to Tibet.

Phobjikha valley

Phobjikha valley is a glacial valley and is the winter home of the black necked cranes. This valley is a designated conservation area and borders Black Mountain National Park. It is located at an altitude of 9840 feet above the sea level and is 2 hrs drives from Wangduephodrang.

This valley is covered by a rich sward of grass in the marshy land where special variety of dwarf bamboo (Yushania microphylla) grows on which the black-necked cranes feed.The valley is rich in faunal biodiversity and has, apart from the globally threatened black-necked cranes Grus nigricollis, 13 other globally threatened species. It has an area of 163 square kilometer.The valley and hills surrounding it are rich in wildlife. The fauna recorded are the muntjacs (barking deer), wild boars, sambar, Himalayan black bear, Himalayan serow, leopards and foxes

The main crop in this valley is potatoes. They export potatoes to India and with that money they buy their essentials lasting for a year. The most important festivals in the valley are Gangtey Festival and black neck crane festival, where lots of tourist are attracted for this festivals. Both the festivals are held at the courtyard of Gangtey Gonpa Lhakhang. Everyone is cordially welcome to witness these festivals.

Khamsum Yulley Namgyel Chorten

Khamsum Yulley Namgyel Chorten is an impressive example of our fine Bhutanese architecture and art. The third Queen, Ashi Tshering Yangdon Wangchuck built it. It took almost eight and half years to complete it. It was built to help to remove negative forces and promote peace, stability and harmony in this changing world and the wellbeing and long life of our beloved monarch. The chorten is located at a hilltop surrounded by beautiful rice fields near the Mo Chhu, river. The hike to the temple is rewarded with scenic beauty and spiritual bliss.

We can reached to the Chorten by walking through the paddy fields and trekking uphill through the forest. It will take about 45mins uphill and about 45mins on your return. On your way back we can walk through the villages and our car and driver will wait for us at the bridge of Amankora, Punakha. The Chorten dominates the upper Punakha Valley with commanding views across the Mo Chhu and up towards the mountainous peaks of Gasa and beyond.

Welcome every one and those who visit Punakha Valley,please try and visit this Chorten. You will be thrilled with the views and your photo collection will increase. Experience the serenity of this country-Bhutan.